Ayurveda is an ancient holistic health science which has given rise to the system of 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 you see today, as well as much of that which is call “alternative medicine”, and other art and sciences such as geomancy, palmistry and astrology. Ayurveda is a sanskrit word that is broken down into Ayur – Life and Veda – Science or knowledge; and is therefore termed to encompass the Science of Life.
The approach is specific to you as an individual and how your life experiences, environment, food, and relationships effect your health. Ayurveda focuses on the possible root cause of your present experience. Viewing the mind and body inclusively and working to bring balance and alignment to both through:
- Diet and Digestion
- Lifestyle
- Exercise and mindfulness that is accessible and right for you
- Emotional work and support
- Herbs for boosting the healing process for both mind and body
- Body work treatments and massage
Ayurveda has been time tested since its conception. The principles stand true today and continue to be proven by modern science. Fundamentals of Ayurvedic assessment are based on the five-elemental theory, seeing everything through this lens helps us understand the right choices for a balanced life.
Say you have a project to do and you need the tools to do it; ayurveda is like opening an entire warehouse of supplies to help get that project done. These tools are often easy to use and make you feel empowered to do this project yourself!
We are on a quest for a happier, healthier, more balanced life.
Our daily trials with emotions, diet fads, food choices, exercise, time for ourselves and our health can be tough. We often take care of everyone else’s needs before our own.
But really, it is when WE feel nourished that we have the energy drive and inspiration to take care or others.
Ayurveda helps you determine:
- Your constitution – you at your most balanced state
- Your imbalance – how you are presenting today
- The factors that brought you to this place of imbalance
- Realistic solutions to incorporate into your daily life to maintain balance
- Herbs and body work treatments to help boost the process
What can make you happy and healthy is different than that of the person sitting next to you, your partner or other people in your life. What sets you apart is your individual experiences, environments, food choices and activities; just to state a few.
Manifestation of a health issue or dis-ease in your life, be it physical or emotional, did not happen overnight, it’s likely that an imbalance has been happening over time and through using Ayurveda science, we can determine the root causes and bring the body into alignment.
My goal is to teach people how to care for themselves and understand how to maintain more balance in their body for a happier life. I would love to help you obtain the tools and education you need on your journey. You can contact me to see if a consultation or a treatment is right for you.
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